- Tip 4
- To Wax or
not to Wax ?
Wax or Not ? Some prefer to polish and leave it at
that, some use all in one 'Wash and Go' shampoo waxes and others prefer
natural waxes. My tip to you is that waxing a
bike is more for its protection than its looks and so I would go for a natural
wax, a Carnauba based liquid wax would be the best bet. Simply pour a little
wax onto a rag and rub in using a circular motion. Be very wary of grit on
your rag as even the smallest piece of grit can cause permanent damage to the
paintwork- trust me I know ! stay clear of any
household waxes like Pledge as if you use these then you run the risk of
damaging paintwork. That is not the only negative aspect, another is that the
finish that it provides may only last for one or two rides.